What is a contact ? It is the communication a human being can establish with another universe, visible or invisible. This connection with another reality may happen in a world of Matter, Space, Time or even Timelessness, which differs from what we perceive with our senses and conceive with our reasoning.
A "contactee" is a person who has experienced this communication or has been able to integrate him/herself, partially or totally, in another dimension of energy or consciousness.
Everyone can be contacted, depending on their vibratory level. The more elevated the person's vibration, the more elevated the levels of consciousness he or she can get connected to. (...)
Faced with the extraordinary variety of these phenomena, contactee IJP Appel-Guery created a classification of contacts based upon the dimension to which they are linked: Matter, Space, Time or Timelessness.
. The first level of contact, linked to Matter, is distinguished by the observation of non-terrestrial, materialised vessels or entities;
. In the second level of contact, connected to Space, other dimensions of energy-consciousness appear through luminous phenomena;
. The third level of contact, related to Time, concerns extrasensory perceptions of energy and consciousness;
. The fourth level of contact, connected to Timelessness, corresponds with a transfer into other dimensions.
On every level of contact there may be several different types of manifestation...
"In July 1983, in Tahiti, we had just finished working on our ship and the sun was going down. I was standing on the edge of the wharf, contemplating the lagoon, when my attention was drawn by a movement in the sky: five or six metallic discs flew out of a cloud, silently and with great speed. They crossed the sky before disappearing behind the clouds, and I could see that their shape was perfectly circular. I called a friend who was nearby: "Did you see them?" - "Yes! Amazing!". The next morning, the local press and radio mentioned the event which had been observed by other persons in the neighbouring islands."
- Jacques L.
"We were several friends out in nature and night was near. Suddenly, I saw three luminous triangles, each of a different colour, rushing through the sky at great speed. They came down slightly towards us then went up again very fast. It all happened very quickly and it was very beautiful."
- Didier T.
"It was very early, I was out in the countryside repairing my car. Suddenly I saw a small ball of light coming towards me, of a size between a ping-pong ball and a tennis ball. This small white light, slightly diffuse, was moving in a zigzag motion. It passed two metres from me, then rushed towards a wood situated a hundred metres away. It gave me the sensation of serenity..."
- Vincent C.
The increasing precision in the description of different types of contact tends to confirm that they mostly depend on the level of consciousness/energy of the contactee. A person who has developed telepathic perceptions may perceive the presence of a ship and alert others.
"Imagine that after ten years of research you meet somebody who tells you, pointing a finger to the sky: "In three minutes, a vessel will appear there," and three minutes later, a ship really appeared and flew up, fading into the galaxy..."
- Blaise B.
"When I was doing my military service as a male nurse in Versailles, I had a strange experience. One day, a violent storm was raging outside. I walked through a corridor towards the sick room. As I was about to open the door, an inner voice told me to hold my hand back and stop one metre from the door. At that moment, a flash of lightning penetrated the ceiling and the door in front of me, and struck the floor with a deafening sound. If I had taken another step forward the thunderbolt would have blasted me."
- Didier T.
"We must consider that different hierarchy systems impinge on human nature. Some of these types of consciousness/energy are connected to invisible dimensions, others to light and others to material form. I tried to reach a level of consciousness which afforded an understanding of the human being. I worked hard in order to raise myself to such a level and I received information which I found satisfying. It informed me about sleep and sickness; how such and such type of incarnation can be chosen by a person; why one has such and such a type of physical body; how the body functions and grows; what is the origin of the Earth; and so on... I asked all kinds of questions and I received answers... "
- I. Appel-Guery
"I was fifteen the first time I had an out-of-body experience. It was sufficient to meet a few practical conditions and the phenomenon would automatically happen again. I used to believe it happened to everyone. As it puzzled me, I told relatives about it and realised that these very precise sensations were not shared. I caused these experiences to happen more frequently in order to understand them better. All I had to do was to lay down as for a nap. A strange physical sensation on top of my head would become stronger and stronger, almost reaching pain, then my attention would be completely concentrated. At first, I floated in my room; then, I noticed that walls did not limit me; I went through them without feeling anything. I remember fantastic flights over the roofs of Paris... I could admire the planet from the stratosphere or fly through the Earth freely. The smallest thought could have an effect on things; therefore, the tension was very high. Over five years, I made dozens of these strange "trips". Then, little by little, the whole thing faded away, possibly because my mind had been modified enough to give me access to other levels of consciousness in a more inner way."
- Marc B.
"It happened one night in Polynesia, in 1987. I felt that a fantastic force was ripping me from my body and suddenly I was in a different continuum. I did not understand what was happening. All at the same time, I was in another dimension and I was feeling and seeing my body which was no longer a material body. It was a body of energy and I could perceive the movement of the particles of which it was composed. I panicked and tried to call the person who was asleep beside me. I screamed and this brought me back into my physical body."
- Madgie C.
"When I was four years old, I was playing in a room when suddenly my attention was caught by a "presence". I looked up and saw a luminous being standing in front of me. It was all white, levitating twenty centimetres above ground. It was a very short vision of a few seconds. Later, I realised that even if no word had been said, the connection with another continuum had been established."
- Blaise B.
"It all started when I was five years old. I would instantly move out of my body horizontally; that is, I was projected in my energy body, 5, 10 or 100 metres above my physical body. I used to panic a bit, my heart beating very hard. I did not understand what was happening. My consciousness left my body and I had little awareness of it. I could normally see my surroundings. Then I came back into my body. It happened occasionally over the next several years, until I was around eight or nine years old."
- Christine G.
Parents, do not mock your children when they tell you about their dialogue with the invisible! On the contrary, enjoy their fresh way of looking at the world and let them guide you towards your own childhood. Journey along with them and discover the secret continent vibrating within you. Tell them your dreams and let them tell you theirs. You will see that there is a lot to be learned through such exchanges.
Two centuries after the declaration of human rights, the time has now come to respect the "rights of the soul". In each human being, there exists an inner subtlety which needs to be acknowledged, protected and developed. Defending future generations is not only being concerned with overpopulation and pollution. It also means caring for the quality of the psycho-mental environment of the human beings and acting to protect their spiritual nature.
"One evening, as I was outside in the nature, a fairy came close to me. Very cute, twenty centimetres tall, she began to sing with much pleasure... An elf came to see me another day, looking very much annoyed: the tree he was taking care of had been carried away and put on a balcony of the last floor of the house, and he could not properly watch over it. Since the tree looked healthy, I was not concerned about his grief. A few months later, the tree was dead and the elf was desperate. His grief convinced me that next time I would pay more attention to such a warning."
- Agnès R.
In his theory of "morphogenetic fields", botanist Rupert Sheldrake explains in scientific language what traditional initiation teachings have transmitted for a long time: every mutation, be it genetic or spiritual, depends on an invisible subtle field. Accordingly, learning certain ideas or practices becomes easier when they have already been adopted by many people. Writer Peter Russel speaks of an exponential acceleration of humankind's level of consciousness. Indeed, applying Sheldrake's theory to the development of modified states of consciousness, he foresees that the more people elevate their level of consciousness, the stronger the morphogenetic field of modified states of consciousness will become, and the easier it will be for more people to reach these states. This awakening of the consciousness is one element in an evolution which is both mental and physiological, and that is creating a profound mutation within humankind.
(Excerpted from the book:
"Contact with Other Dimensions - Being, Angels, Witnesses"
by the Timeless Voyagers (unpublished in English).
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An article published in "The Lancet", on December 15, 2001; 358: 2039-45, authored by:
Dr. Pim van Lommel
Some people who have survived a life-threatening crisis report an extraordinary experience. Near-death experience occurs with increasing frequency because of improved survival rates resulting from modern techniques of resuscitation.
The content of NDE and the effects on patients seem similar worldwide, across all cultures and times. The subjective nature and absence of a frame of reference for this experience lead to individual, cultural, and religious factors determining the vocabulary used to describe and interpret the experience.
NDE are reported in many circumstances: cardiac arrest in myocardial infarction (clinical death), shock in postpartum loss of blood or in perioperative complications, septic or anaphylactic shock, electrocution, coma resulting from traumatic brain damage, intracerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction, attempted suicide, near-drowning or asphyxia, and apnea.
Such experiences are also reported by patients with serious but not immediately life-threatening diseases, in those with serious depression, or without clear cause in fully conscious people. Similar experiences to near-death ones can occur during the terminal phase of illness, and are called deathbed visions.
Identical experiences to NDE, so-called fear-death experiences, are mainly reported after situations in which death seemed unavoidable: serious traffic accidents, mountaineering accidents, or isolation such as with shipwreck.
Several theories on the origin of NDE have been proposed. Some think the experience is caused by physiological changes in the brain, such as brain cells dying as a result of cerebral anoxia.2-4 Other theories encompass a psychological reaction to approaching death,5 or a combination of such reaction and anoxia.
Such experiences could also be linked to a changing state of consciousness (transcendence), in which perception, cognitive functioning, emotion, and sense of identity function independently from normal body-linked waking consciousness.
People who have had an NDE are psychologically healthy; although some show non-pathological signs of dissociation. Such people do not differ from controls with respect to age, sex, ethnic origin, religion, or degree of religious belief.
Studies on NDE have been retrospective and very selective with respect to patients. In retrospective studies, 5-10 years can elapse between occurrence of the experience and its investigation, which often prevents accurate assessment of physiological and pharmacological factors.
In retrospective studies, about 45%1 of adults and up to 85% of children10 who had a life-threatening illness were estimated to have had an NDE. A random investigation of more than 2000 Germans showed 43% to have had an NDE at a mean age of 22 years.
Differences in estimates of frequency and uncertainty as to causes of this experience result from varying definitions of the phenomenon, and from inadequate methods of research.
Patients' transformational processes after an NDE are very similar1,3,13-16 and encompass life-changing insight, heightened intuition, and disappearance of fear of death. Assimilation and acceptance of these changes is thought to take at least several years.
The authors defined NDE as the reported memory of all impressions during a special state of consciousness, including specific elements such as out-of-body experience, pleasant feelings, and seeing a tunnel, a light, deceased relatives, or a life review.
They defined clinical death as a period of unconsciousness caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain because of inadequate blood circulation, breathing, or both. If, in this situation, CPR is not started within 5-10 min, irreparable damage is done to the brain and the patient will die.
The results show that medical factors cannot account for occurrence of NDE; although all patients had been clinically dead, most did not have NDE. Furthermore, seriousness of the crisis was not related to occurrence or depth of the experience.
If purely physiological factors resulting from cerebral anoxia caused NDE, most of the patients should have had this experience. Patients' medication was also unrelated to frequency of NDE. Psychological factors are unlikely to be important as fear was not associated with NDE.
Only 12% of patients had a core NDE, and this figure might be an overestimate. True frequency of the experience is likely to be about 10%, or 5% if based on number of resuscitations rather than number of resuscitated patients. Patients who survive several CPRs in hospital have a significantly higher chance of NDE.
Good short-term memory seems to be essential for remembering NDE.
Patients with memory defects after prolonged resuscitation reported fewer experiences than other patients in our study.
Forgetting or repressing such experiences in the first days after CPR was unlikely to have occurred in the remaining patients, because no relation was found between frequency of NDE and date of first interview.
However, at 2-year follow-up, two patients remembered a core NDE and two an NDE that consisted of only positive emotions that they had not reported shortly after CPR, presumably because of memory defects at that time. It is remarkable that people could recall their NDE almost exactly after 2 and 8 years.
Our finding that women have deeper experiences than men has been confirmed in two other studies, although in one, only in those cases in which women had an NDE resulting from disease.
Our findings show that the process of change after NDE tends to take several years to consolidate. Presumably, besides possible internal psychological processes, one reason for this has to do with society's negative response to NDE, which leads individuals to deny or suppress their experience for fear of rejection or ridicule.
Thus, social conditioning causes NDE to be traumatic, although in itself it is not a psychotraumatic experience. As a result, the effects of the experience can be delayed for years, and only gradually and with difficulty is an NDE accepted and integrated. Furthermore, the long-lasting transformational effects of an experience that lasts for only a few minutes of cardiac arrest is a surprising and unexpected finding.
Several theories have been proposed to explain NDE.
We did not show that psychological, neurophysiological, or physiological factors caused these experiences after cardiac arrest.
Neurophysiological processes must play some part in NDE. Similar experiences can be induced through electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe (and hence of the hippocampus) during neurosurgery for epilepsy,23 with high carbon dioxide levels (hypercarbia),24 and in decreased cerebral perfusion resulting in local cerebral hypoxia as in rapid acceleration during training of fighter pilots,25 or as in hyperventilation followed by valsalva manoeuvre. Ketamine-induced experiences resulting from blockage of the NMDA receptor,26 and the role of endorphin, serotonin, and enkephalin have also been mentioned,27 as have near-death-like experiences after the use of LSD,28 psilocarpine, and mescaline.
These induced experiences can consist of unconsciousness, out-of-body experiences, and perception of light or flashes of recollection from the past. These recollections, however, consist of fragmented and random memories unlike the panoramic life-review that can occur in NDE. Further, transformational processes with changing life-insight and disappearance of fear of death are rarely reported after induced experiences.
Thus, induced experiences are not identical to NDE, and so, besides age, an unknown mechanism causes NDE by stimulation of neurophysiological and neurohumoral processes at a subcellular level in the brain in only a few cases during a critical situation such as clinical death. These processes might also determine whether the experience reaches consciousness and can be recollected.
With lack of evidence for any other theories for NDE, the thus far assumed, but never proven, concept that consciousness and memories are localized in the brain should be discussed.
How could a clear consciousness outside one's body be experienced at the moment that the brain no longer functions during a period of clinical death with flat EEG?
Also, in cardiac arrest the EEG usually becomes flat in most cases within about 10 s from onset of syncope.29,30 Furthermore, blind people have described veridical perception during out-of-body experiences at the time of this experience.31 NDE pushes at the limits of medical ideas about the range of human consciousness and the mind-brain relation.
Another theory holds that NDE might be a changing state of consciousness (transcendence), in which identity, cognition, and emotion function independently from the unconscious body, but retain the possibility of non-sensory perception.
The Lancet, December 15, 2001; 358: 2039-45
"The Lancet" is one of the world's most respected medical journals.
For footnotes and details, review this article in:
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For more information on near-death experiencers (NDEs), go to the website of the International Association for Near-Death Studies at www.iands.org. The website offers a wealth of information on NDEs, local groups that meet to discuss NDEs and their ramifications, and the most current research. You can become a member for a small annual fee to receive regular updates on new research, different perspectives on the implications of NDEs for our lives and the world, and breaking news relating to near-death experiences.
